Personal Income

Publication of Personal Income table 3.11 from the 2009-10 Survey of Personal Income is being brought forward
National Statistics table 3.11 (Income and tax, by gender, region and country) based on the 2009-10 Survey of Personal Income (SPI) will be published on the 29 February 2012, a month earlier than previously announced.

Publication has been brought forward due to table 3.11 being available sooner than anticipated.

Normally, sub-UK analysis from the SPI is published one month after the UK level analysis, to allow the extra time needed to process the geographical indicators and apply disclosure control. On this occasion, table 3.11 can be published at the same time as the UK level tables.

Due to interest in regional analysis of personal income HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) will look at the feasibility of publishing table 3.11 for future surveys at the same time as the UK level tables, provided this would not cause a delay to the UK level tables themselves. HMRC will confirm if this is possible in the autumn.

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