Web survey for businesses and their accountants and advisers
All businesses and their tax agents and advisers are invited to take part in a short online survey to help Business Link (BL) improve their website.
They want to identify the main reasons you visit the BL site for help and information. The survey will ask you to choose your top five tasks from a list of 100 provided. The list will cover all BL content not just HMRC guidance and tools. The information you provide will be used to ensure that it as easy as possible for customers to perform their ‘top tasks’on the BL website.
The survey has the support of HM Revenue & Customs so even if you don’t currently use the BL website, please take part to ensure your needs are taken into account.
You will be able to access the survey from the BL homepage from 5 September 2011.
Go to the BL website and take part in the survey : http://www.hmrc.gov.uk/news/web-survey.htm
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